Aplikasi Batu Gunting Kertas - Contoh Kode Python Sederhana Indonesia

Kode python sederhana

Aplikasi Batu Gunting Kertas - Contoh Kode Python Sederhana Indonesia


import random

def validate(hand):

    if hand < 0 and hand > 2:

        return False

    return True


def print_hand(hand, name = 'Tamu'):

    hands = ['Batu', 'Kertas', 'Gunting']

    print(name + ' memilih: ' + hands[hand])


def judge(player, computer):

    if player == computer:

        return 'Seri'

    elif player == 0 and computer == 1:

        return 'Kalah'

    elif player == 1 and computer == 2:

        return 'Kalah'

    elif player == 2 and computer == 0:

        return 'Kalah'


        return 'Menang'


# Memulai program

print('Memulai permainan Batu Kertas Gunting!')

player_name = input('Masukkan nama: ')

print('Pilih tangan: (0: Batu, 1: Kertas, 2: Gunting)')

player_hand = int(input('Masukkan nomor (0-2): '))

if validate(player_hand):

    computer_hand = random.randint(0, 2)


    print_hand(player_hand, player_name)

    print_hand(computer_hand, 'Komputer')

    result = judge(player_hand, computer_hand)

    print('Hasil: ' + result)



    print('Mohon masukkan nomor yang benar')


Aplikasi Batu Gunting Kertas - Contoh Kode Python Sederhana Indonesia Aplikasi Batu Gunting Kertas - Contoh Kode Python Sederhana Indonesia Reviewed by sihat jok on September 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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